Friday, December 4, 2009

Its Twilight Time

Edward and James FightingWe were worried about a friend's sanity when she fell in love with a fictional vampire, but then she introduced us to Edward Cullen...and we've been Twilight fans ever since.

When we read the original novel by Stephenie Meyer it uncovered an exciting new world just a stone's throw away from reality. Like the Cullens, you can never judge a book by its cover.

Part of the pull of the story is that it's set in the real world - there's more of a chance that Cullen will come to your school than there is of you receiving a letter from Hogwarts (or so we reckon anyway... ).

We can't wait to see the movie - so it was great to get our hands on an early copy of the book that accompanies the film, 'Twilight - The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion'. We found out about the film through Stephenie Meyer's website, and we admit there was a lot of squealing which doesn't bode well in a library.

And the companion book takes the enjoyment one step further - delving more into the subtle changes the film crew made to the original Twilight story.

With 142 pages bursting with must have Twilight facts and photos (like those on this web page), it's perfect to fill in gaps for even the most dedicated Twilight fans. This book goes behind the scenes, uncovers the people behind the film and also explains how Twilight was born on screen. For us it's the perfect companion to Twilight the movie, giving pieces of information you won't find anywhere else. Especially when you can use it to piece together the whole film - which only makes us want to see it more.

It's filled with funny quotes, like when mentioning the Cullen's garage: "It's there that they keep their emergency supplies, vampire survival kits, their blood bags, which is basically snack food for the road." The companion also explains the reasons behind the Cullen family drinking animal blood, rather than human. Perfect if you haven't read the original novel.

We gave the companion book 4 stars - we drew short of giving it 5, because it mostly contains information about the film and there's not quite as much about the Nomad clan themselves as we would have liked. But we highly recommend it. It really is better than Potter!

{by Bronwyn S.}

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