Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Better Late Than Never...Asia's Twilight Wish

So what if Christmas is over?! All Twi-hards know you can have a Twilight wish anytime of the year....especially when you're Team Edward!

My name is Asia C. and I'm from New York. I am totally TEAM EDWARD. My wish would be to raise enough money for me and my mom to go to the Breaking Dawn premiere. I always saved up money but never got enough to actually go. My other wish would be able to see Taylor and Rob! That would be the best thing that ever happened in my whole life.

P.S. Please keep writing about this news because in between watch all three movies a million times and reading anything new on the internet this website keeps me sane calm. (Until Breaking Dawn part 1 comes out then I have to start the process all over again.)

Asia, I would help you raise money if I could come along :) I hope you get your Twilight wish and we will keep you updated on all the news as it rolls in! Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. heyy ii wish ii could come too that too and see taylor:)
