Thursday, May 7, 2009

How to Become a Vampire

I recently discovered on my trip to the eye doctor that it is possible to become a vampire. A feat I never thought possible. I already have overly sensitive eyes and because so the doctor always likes to preform extra tests to make sure that my eyes aren't deteriorating or something.

Finally after numerous charades and tests we got the good part, or shall I say, the transformation. Here came the eye droppers to dilate my pupils. Well actually, what they don't tell you is that they paralyze your iris so that you ability to focus on objects is no more. Ouch. One set of drops apparently was inadequate for me so after several minutes I received a second round.

At this time my eyes were burning like the fire from hell and I believed I would no longer be able to see ever again. Minutes went by that felt like hours and the burning refused to cease. As the burning became more like that of a rug burn I tried to focus on the room around me as I was now alone. Nope, couldn't see a thing. Any details were totally unseeable, if they were really there at all, and big items were totally blurring with no definite lines and edges. Great, I was blind. The doctor eventually came in and I found myself talking to a shape resembling a human with no distinct face. Because I couldn't see. Darn those eyes, now quit burning already! That was totally awkward on my part. After Mr. Chatty Cathy the doctor was done telling me about how I had this and that and yadda yadda I was free to go out and look for new frames.

I halted at the door. There was light out there. I couldn't see regardless, but the light was the ultimate curse on my eyes. My body refused to budge from the door as my mind screamed at me telling me to back up back into the dark examining room. I managed to shuffle my feet enough to get out into the hallway. I squinted through downcast eyes and managed to find my way back to the front while the ridiculously bright lights seemed to gnaw at my eyes. As I starred at what I knew was suppose to be the racks and rows of frames I could hardly distinguish one from the other.

After 20 minutes of attempting to find that cute pair of frames that should be so totally me I looked at myself in the mirror. While the reflection was still blurry I was able to notice my wavy hair giving me the look of a diva. That was new, since when did my wavy hair start having a good hair day right in the middle of the day? Pffft. I still hardly felt like a diva, instead I felt like a demon with the burning of my eyes and lack of vision. I continue to struggle through looking for frames and my eyes started to focus a little if I stood far away from what I was intending to see.

I leaned closer to the mirror with what I thought was a cute pair of frames trying to see them up close. This time my eyes actually focused. I jumped. I stood confused for a second and took off the frames. I leaned in again no expecting to be able to see anything. Again my eyes actually focused. I starred, trying to keep my mouth shut from what I saw in the mirror. My eyes. I couldn't believe it. The iris was so big that my eyes were black minus ~1mm of the old grey-green eyes that once were. Black eyes starred back at me and I failed to recognize what was happening with me.

Gradually, I started to grasp what was happening. I was becoming a vampire. And all I did was visit the eye doctor. My sudden diva like appearance, black eyes, and aversion to light screamed that I was human no more. I wanted to run and hide out in the woods, but instead, I was stuck in a doctor's office crowded with humans. What I once thought was impossible and inconceivable had happened, to me.

This story was meant to be humorous and the events are true with slight exaggerations and the outcome of being a vampire being the comedy.


  1. Thats not nice bringing our hopes up and then crushing them again!!! LOL, Just kidding

  2. OMG that seriously happened to me the other day! And today I was walking down the stairs (I walk daintly when I wear one specific outfit for some reason. I walk partially tip toe) and I hopped of the last step and had a total alice in twilight(movie) moment.

  3. Ahahaha that's so funny! i love itt.

  4. It sounds like someone has got their sense of writing from reading too many of Stephanie Meyer books. Either way, it has done you some good, getting your feet wet into suspense. I just wonder, in reality, because there are a number of people who take this issue entirely serious, how can you identify yourself as a vampire when at the same time, you could be insanely obsessed? If you are so obsessed with being one, could you not simply convince yourself a lie so much that you actually believed you were one? It's the same with religons, the same with narcisistic tendencies, diet, it's all so debatable whether it's fact, coincidental, or overeaction. Whatever the case, I guess what ever you say you are, as well as, believe you are, is what you are, even if someone says otherwise or there are many ideas contrarily opposing you.

    1. .... What? Okok, love the last sentence. Poetry. You sound like a bit of a critic through the rest of it though. Hehe

  5. Hahaha. This has happened to me before. Reading this, I was literally cracking up because I've experienced exactly what you are talking about. I remember walking outside after getting my eyes dialated and screaming "NOOOOO!!!" (Too bad this was before I even knew what Twilight was, or I probably would've thought it was a miracle and I was becoming a vampire too.) It was as if the light outside became a thousand times brighter then it was just thirty minutes ago before I entered the doctor's office. I remember looking in the mirror and freaking out because I could see everything outlining my face, but I couldn't see my actual face. Oh... So frustrating. But this is quite hilarious considering I remember feeling the same way. :) I'm going to laugh when people actually go to their eye doctor and ask to get their eyes dialated. Oh how you will regret it!


  7. That is so funny because when my sister almost drowns anywhre her eyes will turn black. alot of times at night her eyes will turn yellow. when she is angry her eyes are red. and her eyes are green (i think i dont pay that close nof attention.) my eyes just blue

  8. lol I love this :)
    I remember after I had been put to sleep (I had to get a tooth pulled) I remember waking up & going in the bathroom to look in the mirror, I was super pale & my brown hair was really dark, almost black, & my plain brown eyes had a strange dark ring outlining the iris. Unfourtunaitly the pale-ness faded & I am tan again, my hair went back to it's normal shade but the strange rings in my eyes stayed. & also for some reason when I took the gauze off I couldn't stop licking the bloody gap where my tooth had been.
    I have allways liked the taste of blood & I have a strange habbit for biting people...

  9. lol too fun! I hate the eye doctor but maybe I should make an appointment now....

  10. now i wanna go to the eye doctor lol

  11. lol..........the story was awesome. and quite intreting. but vampires have no eyes that change color or something with the iris or what ever we have dark eyes (brown/black) ((more black))

  12. God I wish this story was actually true. I would love to be a vampire, and in a simple trip to the eye doctor's too! Man THAT would be wonderful. And I totaly agree with the person who said, "It's not nice to go and get our hopes up only to let them fall once more!" And because of my love for and want to be a vampire I am once again reading Twilight this makes the second time!

  13. My eyes always change color. They are a light frosty blue but more often than not they are a cold gray. Man are they sensitive! I can be watching tv and the bright light all of a sudden irritate my eyes. My eye doctor still wonders why my eyes do this, I can't completely explain it. I would guess that the light is to bright and that causes a slight pain and the need to hide my eyes for about 5 minutes and sometimes after that it happens all over again! I find it odd that my eyes do this and I have no idea why except that they are overly sensitive.

  14. Hey, me happens the same when I was on my eye operation 2 years ago. It was fascinating- my normal blue/green eyes was gone and I had only black eyes- huge black eyes.

    It´s great :-D

  15. Twilight portrays everything that vampire isn't. Gleaming under the sunlight, WOW, totally ruins the the-already-disastrous movie.

    There are Vampire subcultures out there. They're NOT shallow people who are obsessed with Cullens or Twilight.

    For decent vampire information, read Anne Rice's books, or Bram Stoker's; not some mindless, shallow "love" story. Wake up.

  16. the wierd thing is, most ppl cant see when they get their eyes dialated, but when i i got mine dialated, i couldnt see for 2 minutes, then i could see perfectly fine though my eyes were still dialated, nothing was too bright or blurry...

  17. who ever wrote this "Twilight portrays everything that vampire isn't. Gleaming under the sunlight, WOW, totally ruins the the-already-disastrous movie.

    There are Vampire subcultures out there. They're NOT shallow people who are obsessed with Cullens or Twilight.

    For decent vampire information, read Anne Rice's books, or Bram Stoker's; not some mindless, shallow "love" story. Wake up." is a flucken moron.. vampires arent real so who are you to say twilight portrays everything a vampire isnt? huh? THEYRE FREAKIN BOOKS! FICTION BOOKS NON OF ITS REAL EVEN IN ANN RICE"S BOOKS.. but im still an obsessive addict of twilight.. and upon research fueled by boredom i found that goths are sometimes called vampires for their dark behavoir, and pale complexion. and on this show called taboo (i think thats the show) showed that some people drink eachother's blood. its really gross

  18. I am not the guy who said that, but I do find your comment to be ignorant and shallow/closed-minded. Vampires are very real. But they are not so outwardly obvious as television and books would have you believe. There is no way to tell that someone is a vampire unless you have seen proof that they are one, though drinking blood is of course not good enough, as I am not a vampire(not sure actually), but I do like the taste of my own blood(not emo, just when I mess up somehow and get cut, I enjoy the salty iron taste of blood). I personally found out about the existence of vampires because I happen to know one personally... In any case, there is no way I am going to tell you anything about real vampires, as that would be a mistake, but I will tell you they exist, and so do vampire hunters, which would be why they don't just come right out and say, "I'm a vampire!" Think about that...

  19. It isnt very nice of you to mock what it is to be the living dead.
    you dont understand the concept of it all.
    Having to live day by day stuck at the age you were created.
    Everything frozen
    I mean I cant even go to the bloody bathroom!

    You just beleive that becoming immortal you will gain impossible speed, strength and beauty.
    no yes yes

    It is true,
    your skin goes a ghostly shade, your skin grows cold and disturbing
    but no, your eyes no not transfer to black, gold nor red.
    it stays the same at which you were born with.
    I've had the same green eyes for centurys now.
    Back to the subject

    Back off on the vampires!

    were all around you and hear everything you say.

    If you have more questions, I'd be happy to answer
    Im sick of the rules


  20. awww... did they hav to give my hopes up like that.. i wish vampires were real coz that would mean Edward Cullen is ....

  21. OMG you totally had me going I totally thought hat u were a vampire!!! If you were then I would yell CHANGE ME PLZ!!! I love vampires more than anything but I belive I also have a link to werewolves cause I like them also. Vampires are my favorite and even though I'm human I pretend to be a vampire. In some ways it has helped I belive I run faster now and I can jump long distances. hahaha I love u Edward Cullen.

  22. i want to know .how 2 becoma vampire

  23. i sooooooooooo wish i was a vanpire!!!!
    u had my hpes up then lol

  24. i am jemima moule and when i get hurt and blood comes out i suck it and cant stop so pleass ansewer thank you

  25. vampires are cool and lovely i would love to become one but there are down sides keep that in mind people

  26. You drink your own blood but I don’t know if that means you’re a vampire because if you were then you would be drinking other peoples blood not your if fact I am sure you arent a vampire don’t take any offence to what I am saying but its true I am sorry.

  27. i'm still learning how to become a vampire cause i'm interested in them.

  28. hiii am sree plz tel me 2 become a vampire plzzzzzzzzz am sooooo intrested 2 become a vampire plz mentor me and send 2 this email

  29. hey if u have any idea 2 bcom a vampire then plz send me 2 my email id plzzzz my email

  30. Why do you all want to be vampires? Life isn't good enough?

  31. haha I enjoyed reading that, you should write books.

  32. I have had that done too. It was reallly strange and your eyes lke you said feel like there burning and your iris's become massive and you look kind of scary looking.

  33. You are possibly, by which I mean definitely, the biggest loser I have encountered on the internet. I, good madam, have been browsing 4chan for over 5 years.I would recommend going on /b/ and posting nude pic of yourself. They are super cool, vampire lovers like yourself and will help you transform into a vampire.

    A Normal Human

  34. Mrs.Edward Cullen WannabeJanuary 20, 2010 at 4:04 PM

    man that was so mean jk ilove it i soo want to be a vampire and i really like want to marry Rob Pattinson(Edward Cullen) it would be awesome if he was a real vampire lolxx

  35. wow i love it lol. but i believed that u could actually become a vampire until the end lol. I really wish i could :D i love Robert Pattinson <3 xx

  36. I take this seriously i think i am one

  37. In essence, vampirism is a predatory instict which our genes carry. Blood and sexuality go hand and hand. Vampire powers are the same as accomplished Yogis... find out more (click my name)

  38. i heard that if you get bitten by a bat you may become a vampire

  39. Vampires are real. If you're serious about becoming a vampire, then leave an e-mail & I'll give you more information.

  40. k this is my email id is anybody interest about vampires then leave me a message byee..

  41. i want to become a vampire plzzz this worls is so cruel ...plz help me any vampires out there plz come and help me plzzz this is my email id

  42. Srikanth, I think your e-mail is wrong. You might want to double check it for accuracy.

  43. If you'd like to try a free vampire game on-line, then go here:

  44. becoming vampire is a possible way i think but it is soo difficult i have some doubts about vampires is anybody interested about vampires means contact me my email id is or

  45. i act exactly as bella in twilight movie.i like bella. she's cool.

  46. please please please please please please help me be a vampire i will pay 100$

  47. Yesterday i honestly thought i was a vampire because my eyes have gone a deep red and havent changed still whats wrong with me ?
    i have also gone very pale i dont even like vampires ... dont ever say that word infront of my friend because she will shout out loud BITE ME ..... its quite funny actually because i said that during a test at school LOL ha ha .

  48. Im I a vampire? Plz tell me these are ment for me to becoming a vamp?

    My mum didn't have enought salt when i was unborn
    I have cold skin but when i touch it it feals warm
    i get a headach when i go out into the sun
    The black little circles in the middle of my eye is bigger than normal
    I can see better in the dark
    I look young for my age
    And iam obbsest with vampires(that would not lead me to a vamp)

    Any info would be very helpful.

  49. sree the real vampireMarch 22, 2010 at 1:38 PM

    by reading about vampires history in internet ,books and novels there is a link between vampires and vampire bats .vampire and vampire bats mentalities are equal we should mainly observed that vampire sucks the blood and vampire bat also suck the blood ina equal ways if we know much about vampire can help us in becoming a vampire

  50. sree the real vampireMarch 22, 2010 at 1:41 PM

    if any doubts are if u know anything about vampire bats then contact me my email id is and my mobile number is +919849546315.ill tell u more ways because am trying altough 38%successed

  51. I got bitten by a vampire bat when I was 10.
    I had to go to the hospital, and they took all of the venom out >:{
    And when Twilight came out I was like; "DAMMIT!" I could've been a vampire, but I could've died because the vampire bat bit me for a long time. I lost a lot of blood, so I had to get some donated.
    I'm like Bella you see..
    I resemble to her.
    My birthday is on September thirteenth.. so I attract bad luck, I have had near-death experiences, and I am an accident prone, plus the clumsiness. I have deep chestnut brown hair which glows red in the sun and chocolate brown eyes. My skin is sort of ivory .. just a shade lighter.
    When Twilight came out I was like; "Whoa! I look like her!" and then I saw the vampires... and I was like. "OH MY EDWARD!" I was devastated that I could've been a vampire, and plus I faint whenever I smell human blood, that's why I can't stand to get cut, which is literally everyday. Today, I slipped on the ice on the road (it's snowing where I am, and I hardly ever see sun) and a sports car was coming, I waited there, not bothering to get up, but the car stopped right in front of me. I raised and then people were rushing to my side, even the driver. I just smiled at the awkwardness and just went on to school .. but when I reached school, my Mom had already spoken to the school so I was forced to be took back home.
    I'm going out now :)
    Also .. my mom was born on July 13th .. and I am hereditary towards her .. I have mood swings which I get from my Dad, who I don't see anymore
    Byee :)

  52. I like your post. Very funny, and totally understandable. Sometimes you can get the whole "oh my god, bright light" effect without your eyes being dialted. Try staying inside a dimly lit room for a couple of days and then walk outside. :P There are real vampires that exist though, did you know that? People who actually drink blood and have fangs. They're called lifestyle vampires. Check it out:

  53. "Real Vampires" is such a touchy subject. However I found a website that does offer information on becoming a vampires, via the Black Path of Initiation. You can see it here:
    and here:

  54. Academy of Vampirism teaches you the art and science of predatory spirituality, look at my name!

  55. i sparkle in the sun. i even like blood alot more now. plus i look pale now. for more email me at

  56. damzssss my eyes loook just like that no lie..n yes they do look black my mom is worried so i have been goin to teh eye doctor n nothin is wrong they say but hey..who knows i might come out n feed on blood..i love vampire a lot i always wished to be one n now i hope my wish is comin true

  57. Vampires are awesome!

  58. Hello, my name is Lilith le Fay. I would like to invite you to join me at Reign of Blood, which is a free online text-based vampire RPG. Here you must keep your wits about you and train hard, for the Dead City is a deadly place, even for those Unliving. Grow stronger, swifter, and tougher, or be swallowed by the legions of the mighty.

    Your goal as a player in RoB varies with what you wish to accomplish. Though the basic game play still exists for everyone, Train, Kill, Gloat, Kill, Train. If you wish to be the best then you will need to rank up and prove you are the best. Though in order to rank up you will need to train your stats so that you can kill high ranked players and get boosted experience. You will quickly learn that you will need to balance your training and your battling to better succeed in the game. Though this is only the very basic concept that is RoB and there is much more to experience. From the friends you can make in the forums/chat to the prestige and experience you can gain from being in covens, there are many ways to play the game and is ultimately up to you on how you wish to live your days in RoB.

    Train at the gym or search the sewers for great items and treasures, go down into the underground for great quests to help you along the way. Buy weapons and armour to increase your chance of winning in battle. There will always be something for you to do. Or kill..

    The Battle arena is where you go to do all of your killing so you may rank up. There are a few diffrent ways to search through players. When you find a player you want to attack then simply click the [Attack] button or go to their profile then click the attack link.

    Battling as stated before is the core of the game. The way battles are performed are very simply and quite literally a click of the button. This can be done in two places, the Battle Arena located at your top navigation bar or by visiting a players profile and clicking the attack link. If you visit the Battle Arena then you can easily search for players by name, rank or coven to better filter out who you wish to attack. You can also attack these players in the Arena without having to visit their profiles. As a new player it is highly recommended that you stick to trying to kill players around your same rank and age. The older and higher rank a player is the more likely they are stronger than you are. The more you battle the more experience and money you will earn which helps you rank up in the game.

    Turns are a very important part of RoB and something you will need to understand well. Each and every hour you are given a certain amount of turns. These turns are used to do many things in RoB such as battling, training, and exploring certain areas. Each one of these things will use up a certain amount of turns. For example for every battle you go into it costs you 1 turn. When you are completely out of turns you can no longer do those certain things in the game until you have more turns. There is NO OTHER WAY to get turns except for the hourly resets and the voting links located under your sidebar on the left.
    NonVIPs have a cap of 300 turns, VIPs have a cap of 600. Once you have reached your cap, you will not receive anymore turns from the hourly reset.

    You can use Turns to train at the Gym.

    * Strength: Which is your ability to deal damage to another player.
    * Toughness: Which is your ability to withstand attacks and not take damage.
    * Speed: Determines who hits first and if you can even hit the other player or them hit you.

    Joining a coven is a very important part of RoB if you are new to the game. Covens offer a great deal of things that can help you get started such as money, weapons, information and/or other items. It is highly recommended you join a coven if you have not already done so. In fact, I would greatly appreciate it if you joined my coven--Triad. That way I can assist you with any questions that you may have.

    Click here to see website:

  59. Yikes. So many posts. I loved your story dear. Now I wish to have my mother take me to the eye doctor.. minus the cravings.
    When I first started reading "I have overly sensative eyes" I thought "Ugh, lucky! I long for sensative eyes" see, I am as blind as a bat without my glasses. And I mean it, I took my glasses off in gym class.. ran right into the bleachers. Haha. Klutzy Kay...

  60. WOW it was realy good but that happens to me on and off though.... but it is wierd no matter how you say it and you are a great writer please do somemore.

  61. I really liked this story, but I wish it were true! I REALLY wanna be a Vampire. And hopefully that way I will find my Edward too :)

  62. Are you people serious.... Theres NO such thing as real vampires.. Some of you understand its just a fantasy but the others need to get away from their computers out of there parents basements and into the real world.... THERES NO EVIDENCE VAMPIRES EXIST..... Now if one of you had proof and hard evidence ive got an open mind please share and email me at thank you....

  63. Wow does everyone know how many times I've seen this story on a website. What the fudge! This story is probably as old as 2,000 B.C.!Who every wrote this story is lettting everyone's hopes down. This story is as true as penguins flying!I am sooooo disapointed! I mean it was a good nstory but it will always be just a story...Nothing more and nothing less! JUST A STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  64. your relly mean anonymous you dont know i maybe a vap and you and/or i dont know it we all maybe vaps but we call are slefs human guz we dont eat others lolz espact the own espacted! -with forever love the team crater of jalice -pinkashes<3

  65. if humans bleve in aliens why not vaps?-with forever love the team crater of jalice -pinkashes<3

  66. hi
    i want to be a vampire and i belive that they are please if you have information to how send email to this adress:

  67. Vamp wannabe: everyone has an oppinion regarding the twilight series; learn to respect that, and I have a damn good reason to believe in vamires, so if you wanna say they're fake, do a little research.

  68. that is to funny LOL!!!!

  69. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A VAMPIRE AND SOME DAY I WILL BECOME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. well.. lots of fake stories you human want to become wanna be vampires!. Not kewl!. I am Zeph Keme. I had gone in different names in the past. I am more than 10,000 years old. I dont call myself a vampire, but rather an immortal. Here goes... 10,000 years before i was a a normal human cave man. we had a more than 400 people in our cave. We were attacked by an unknown beast. we had to attack it back and hunt down. we did our best to put that beast down. bla bla bla it attacked, we bla bla bla attacked. finally we had take it down, but it was alive unconscious. i was the sole-survivor... i had to feed myself, i was bleeding to death... i ripped its heart out and ate it. and that changed my whole life. it wasn't just any beast it was a demon. i became a demon myself. despite its ugly looks, i look just like human. i had special super powers just like in vampire fictions but not that appearance changing in like vampire diaries, twilight, true-blood, etc, or body transforming into bad and stuffs. i can transform myself into more good looking, skin changes hair changes, etc you know what i am saying. but i cant duplicate others look, i just can improve or dis-improve my appearance only. i get more hungry fast. i started feeding on human heart. but i realized at that time it was actually blood. even i cant control my hunger and powers. years pass by i could control my hunger and powers. i was a prince, a king, etc. 6555 (1047 AD) ago i was a prince in russia. a priest gave me the first Old Russian form Упирь (Upir') known as vampire now adays. The Oxford English Dictionary dates the first appearance of the word "vampire" in English from 1734. in 1431 i was a prince in wallachia known as Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1431–1476), more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler (Romanian: Vlad Țepeș pronounced [ˈvlad ˈt͡sepeʃ] or simply as Dracula. between 1600-1800 years was feared of me.. and here comes the fake stories. in 1819 John Polidori's novella The Vampyre that established the archetype of charismatic and sophisticated vampire. it is arguably the most influential vampire work of the early 19th century. However, it is Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula that is remembered as the quintessential vampire novel and which provided the basis of modern vampire fiction. and one of the history famous horror movie "Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (translated as Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror" is a German Expressionist horror film, named the vampire Count Orlok. The film, shot in 1921 and released in 1922. its just novel and fiction, not the truth humans. all these and other vampire stories was just fakes just to spread rumors. i am not here to teach you history. in 1905, i met a marvelous scientist that taught me about blood. the thing i crave in blood is actually metabolism, are the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life. every hundred years i chose only one human being to be welcomed into my kind. the fictions are wrong how vampire makes vampire. my method is different and its a secret. i am the first and the oldest and the most powerful. i do feed on my own kind and kill. i have no weakness. i repeat, i have no weakness. i discover new super abilities every thousand years and practices it to its perfect. i live my eternity life to the fullest in my own peace traveling around the world. this is my story, its up to you to believe it or not. you humans can communicate me by mailing me thank you for reading such a rare, real vampire comment.

  71. yah! it's so cool... :)

    well me, my body is always cold well not really always but often. and yah, i love ketchup.. haha! not blood. LOL! i wish i was vampire :DD

  72. I like it! Had some resemblense. That happened to me. I mean the pupil part, not th me thinking i was a vampire. I hate when they put the eye drops in your eyes, it kills! But hey who knows, Loved it!

  73. GUYS what r u talking about? let me tell you this. you would hate it if you were a vamp. now this is why. 1st of all you wouldnt be able to come out at all bearly in the night. 2nd people who have interest in vamps would just hunt you donw. You would prefer to die millions of times than being a vamp. Vamps live somwhere around the world where its always dark and where u couldnt even step in, now the only reason why writters and movie makers write/do movies or books about vampires are becouse they know u have interest. And tell me that im just crazy and obssesed with vampires, but i know thaat what I'm saying is true.

  74. Im very pale, im sensitive for light and sun, i have increadible (read supernatural) reactions/reflexions, my square teath are sharp, im definitely a nightperson... but. im not a vamp, im actually even afraid of blood.

  75. fuck. bull craps!!!

  76. you are so silly! you believe that you're a vampire? c'mon, that was probaly just something of the drops that your doctor put in your eyes that make them like you said. and you guys, are worst than her for believe her xD

  77. I want to become a vampire. This world has too much to discover in one lifetime and i want to see it all. I want to live forever and be strong and fast, instead of always sick and weak. So far, vampirism is the only immortality I know of. If that's what it takes, so be it.

    Please help me.

  78. god why couldn't this be true ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am sad once again :'''''(


  80. i always love to be a vampire. does it realy happens.if it so could you reply me the spell to be a vampire i will do anything for vampires and anything to be a vampire.

    please help me .
    if i become a vampire i will do anything you ask.

  81. I`m from Romania.And i like so much vampires .I wanna become one.And i dont now how?What i say is not a joke.I now english but just a litlle bit.If you wanna speak with me :

  82. Does anyone really belive they are a vamp?

  83. I am a vampire I was born one we actually are pretty good at selfcontrol. If you wan to learn more google vampires and click on real vampire website website for real vampires.

  84. Want to become a vampire? Write me!

  85. Ohh have you guys checked out or yet?

  86. guys I think all ur stories true or not are absolutely amazing :D I'm not sure if I wanna become a vampire cuz think of all the responsiblilty. U have to control yourself with all the killing and such. But it would be wicked cool if I could have vampire powers :D

  87. I sooo wish it was possible to be a vampire!!!

  88. did u now it happend to me at night i went to the toilet and looked in the mirror and my hair was black and eyes blue when there blonde and hazle i always like to lick my blood when i bleed

  89. i would do anything to be a vampire. if ur a true vamp email me.

  90. how do i become a vampire

  91. why would you do that you bitch fuck you go to hell you lying fucking wanting to be fguck you whore good bye

  92. People I know vampires r amazing (especially Edward Cullen) but like everyone else I think I'm a vampire (and yes I know I'm crazy so u don't have to tell me that) because i am like completely pale (even though I live in the south), i love cold weather, i sometimes sparkle in sunlight (weird isn't it), i love the color red, and in my health class we had to check our heart rates and it was supposed to be around 50-70 and my was like 20... THIS REALLY SCARES ME!!!!

  93. To continue with the last post/comment on here that I posted I'm going to add more: i like NEVER eat, i hardly sleep (and when i do i only sleep for like 2 hours or shorter), i am accused of being a vampire by many, and I think Robert Pattinson is so DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!!!

  94. Vampires are some time become dangers and some time become sweet don't know which one is true...


  96. @Anonymous

    if twilight sucks then maybe it wouldn't have had these much fans and if you knew more about vampires and wrote all of that into a creative masterpiece you would have had more fans than stephanie meyers !

    Never judge anything that is totally not upto you!

  97. Well, its true.When i was born my mom said i had strange teeth that were very pointy, i grew older and when i was 1 yrs old, when i got a cut, i didnt cry, i just sucked the blood, man was it good.Anoymous, i am one, wanna be one? Come to my home and ill bite ya. To this day, i have a urge for human blood. I am a true vamp.

  98. really your main idea was an eye doctors office. lol

    since I actualy read the whole thing I'll give ya an opinion. (not that youll care)
    I give ya some points for surprising creativity. Otherwise this was a paper simply made to be laughable on any vamp topic.
    Lastly, I rarely state this since its a pet peeve of mine. But, could you do a quick spell check before sending next time. thnx an later...

  99. ha that happened to me to. But then i got arrested for trying to suck on this girls neck for blood.They put me in a straight jacket and i kept screaming that i was a vampire and they all looked at me weird. Dawn was coming and i was pleading for my life not to be in the rays of the sun. They kept me there anyway and i burned up and died

  100. I am looking for a vampire. I have a strange feeling that my life is some kind associated with vampirism. First thing, I have this feeling, everytime i think about blood, it looks realy delicious, like I was born to drink it. Secondly, abour 2 weeks ago, I had a vimpire prophesy. I dreamed that i will become a vampire.

    IF there are any please write me as fast as you can.

  101. I always found that this helped me get turn

  102. Hello I am formally known as Arkarian and this is the name most people call me by, I am what most people call a 'vampire' or 'demon' but people don't understand my kind enough to really grasp what we can and can't do. We are different than most human opinions on us and have powers that humans have not given us and don't have powers that they think we have.
    I was born a vampire and have had many life's and have learnt many things this life about the next aspect i'm learning. I personally don't like twilight because it gives a really big change from how my race are differentiated with things like we need human blood mostly or we can be born to only like animal blood but that is a different training than what i was trained to be, i shall let humans think what they want as long as there are not that many hunters trying to locate us.

    The reason i have come to a website like this is to find humans who are willing to keep with my race and to learn and sometime the Council might find you worthy enough to be turned.

    Shall you feel to become a soulless wanderer of time with the company of yourself and the people who live long enough to know what you are and to see them pass away as you stay stuck as you are for all the years you care to mention don't hesitate to email me on

    Yours Eternally,

    Arkarian Phoenix.

  103. Hi is anyone here a vampire because I really want to be a vampire.

  104. i want to a vampire i am 12 year old i really wany to become a name is:esbeida dominuez noyola

  105. Please people TRY to read if you want to be a vampire ask around people who are or who claim it and they might be able to help you!

  106. if u do not belive in real vampires go to HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  107. i am 14 i hated twilight then i watched it and now i cant stop watching it and i agre with anonymos


    i took a test and iam half vampire the truth i did it 6 times.

  108. There's a good chance to receive a perfect concept in your mind. the quality information you offer to your visitors.

  109. i soooo beleive in vampires ... i sooo know that out there in the world there is a real vampire, killing people for their blood.. i well want to be a vampire.. my life is a mess. i have no dad... (he died) i have lost his side of my fmaily, they dont talk or come to see us. my mums side of the family are all dieing or i dont see them because they live far away... and s just sooo hate my life... i really want to be vampire, so i can make all those people suffer and made my hell, i want them to suffer, but slowly, i want them too see how they ruined my life and whats happened to it... i will make them pay one day, day they will get what they deserve... not by killing them.. nooooo i will get my revenge some other way....

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  111. im a vampire i was so scared my bf bit me and i woke up and got very scared he
    told me it was ok but i didnt believe him i cried what did you do to me he said im sorry ithought you wanted to be together forever i said ididnt mean this way.... this happened YESTERDAY
