Sunday, September 4, 2011

Finally Rob Makes His Trip Across the Pond!

For many in the Twilight fandom it has been a drought of epic proportions! Kristen Stewart has been diligently working away in London on her upcoming film, Snow White and the Huntsman, while Rob has been off in LA avoiding papz like the true ninja he is. The question on everyone's mind was when would Rob make the trip to his home town to see his family and of course his FAVORITE co-star.

There were sightings yesterday of Rob in LAX but no one knew exactly where he was headed, but we had a good guess. He was then snapped my photographers arriving in Heathrow Airport in LONDON this morning! He had the biggest smile on his face and a HUGE suitcase which is not normal Rob fashion. So just maybe he is planning to stay a while. Make a few SWATH set visits maybe? What an ideal situation for the hunky vampire...having his girl and his family all in the same spot. Lucky him.

I have a tendency to remain pretty tight lipped on the whole Rob and Kristen situation, but its very hard to ignore the facts. I strongly believe even if the two of them were extremely forth coming of their relationship, there would still be a group of skeptics claiming it is for publicity. Trust me, Breaking Dawn needs no more publicity than it already has. We love it with or without Kris and Rob as a couple.

{via RPLife}

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